Many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals feel more comfortable with a therapist who is accepting, supportive, and encouraging as well as is familiar with unique issues facing those who do not identify as exclusively heterosexual.
Problémy s erekcí mohou mít vliv na kvalitu života mnoha mužů. Tyto potíže mohou pramenit z různých faktorů, jako jsou stres, úzkost, nebo zdravotní problémy. Získání správných informací a poradenství je klíčové pro řešení těchto obtíží. Mnoho mužů hledá řešení online, kde mohou nalézt různé produkty a služby. Například, na stránkách si mohou ujasnit možnosti v dostupnosti léčby a podpory. Neodkládejte řešení svých problémů, protože zdraví a pohoda jsou na prvním místě.
Problémy s erekcí mohou mít vliv na kvalitu života mnoha mužů. Tyto potíže mohou pramenit z různých faktorů, jako jsou stres, úzkost, nebo zdravotní problémy. Získání správných informací a poradenství je klíčové pro řešení těchto obtíží. Mnoho mužů hledá řešení online, kde mohou nalézt různé produkty a služby. Například, na stránkách si mohou ujasnit možnosti v dostupnosti léčby a podpory. Neodkládejte řešení svých problémů, protože zdraví a pohoda jsou na prvním místě.
Unfortunately, due to the issue of prejudice, rejection, and shaming within society, for some LGBTQ individuals, sexual orientation and identity issues may be the cause for depression, anxiety and other emotional stressors. We will be sure to address this in our work together. For others, these issues may not be at the forefront of our therapy. Either way, we will work jointly to focus on your specific individual needs.
If you are looking an LGBT affirmative therapist in NYC, please contact me today.
I have worked with individuals from all across the spectrum.
My first clinical work involved a social justice project investigating the experiences of LGBTQ+ undergraduates at a small liberal arts college in the South. I deepened my skills while in graduate school at an HIV/AIDS and LGBT behavioral health program through Whitman-Walker Health in Washington DC. While there, I conducted individualand group therapy with individuals from diverse backgrounds in a day-treatment program.
I currently work within the CUNY school system where I co-facilitate SafeZone training and provide direct outreach to the LGBTQ community. I also supervise the work of doctoral level graduate students in training at the Baruch College Counseling Center, and a focus of their training is on strengthening skills working with clients from highly diverse backgrounds.
A number of clients in my private practice seek me out for my expertise working with our community.
Over the years, I have helped individuals work through the many challenges of solidifying a healthier identity with respect to their own unique personal development. I have worked with individuals across the life span (Adolescence, Adulthood, Partnership and Parenting, “Late Life” challenges, and confronting “End of Life” concerns) with various Sexual Orientations (Straight / Hetero, Biromantic, Aromantic, Autosexual, Demisexual, Asexual, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Non-Monogamous / Poly, Pansexual, Queer, Questioning) and Gender Identities (FTM, Gender Nonconforming, Genderfluid, Genderqueer, MTF, Nonbinary, Trans Men, Transgender, Trans Women, Two Spirit).
I find this work to be very enriching.
I am a verified provider for LightHouse, a LGBTQ+ wellness group of NYC-based providers who have devoted our careers to caring for LGBTQ+ clients.