I worked with Dr. Logan Jones for 5 years. He is one of the most compassionate, diligent, and dynamic psychologists and people I have ever met. He will mindfully guide you to where you want to go in your life. His calm and patient presence will help you find your light.
I have known Dr. Jones for six years. I have been privileged to work alongside him and gratified to see the valued supervision he has provided to his supervisees. His contributions to the clients served at his previous position have benefited greatly from his competence, sensitivity and empathy. I highly recommend him, without hesitation.
Over the past 3-years I have had the chance to work with Dr. Jones as an intern, postdoc, and licensed psychologist. Dr. Jones was an incredible supervisor and I have no doubt that he is also a skilled therapist, as well as a wonderful colleague and person to work with. I highly recommend Dr. Jones as both a supervisor and a therapist, and feel that I am a better psychologist today because of my time working with him.
Problémy s erekcí mohou mít vliv na kvalitu života mnoha mužů. Tyto potíže mohou pramenit z různých faktorů, jako jsou stres, úzkost, nebo zdravotní problémy. Získání správných informací a poradenství je klíčové pro řešení těchto obtíží. Mnoho mužů hledá řešení online, kde mohou nalézt různé produkty a služby. Například, na stránkách si mohou ujasnit možnosti v dostupnosti léčby a podpory. Neodkládejte řešení svých problémů, protože zdraví a pohoda jsou na prvním místě.
Problémy s erekcí mohou mít vliv na kvalitu života mnoha mužů. Tyto potíže mohou pramenit z různých faktorů, jako jsou stres, úzkost, nebo zdravotní problémy. Získání správných informací a poradenství je klíčové pro řešení těchto obtíží. Mnoho mužů hledá řešení online, kde mohou nalézt různé produkty a služby. Například, na stránkách si mohou ujasnit možnosti v dostupnosti léčby a podpory. Neodkládejte řešení svých problémů, protože zdraví a pohoda jsou na prvním místě.
I have not been to therapy for several years, but after some personal/relationship issues I’ve encountered in the past several months, I decided that I wanted to explore it again. After some research, I decided to meet with Dr. Logan Jones for an initial counseling session. I must admit, I felt somewhat nervous before this first session. Within the first few moments I was in his office, however, Dr. Jones made me feel at ease. He explained his process and approach and answered (the many) questions I had. Dr. Jones is straightforward yet compassionate and I feel that I can be open and honest with him. I would recommend Dr. Jones’s counseling services.
– Anonymous Client Review
Dr. Jones helped me to believe in myself as a person and a clinician. He taught me to take risks, trust myself and to believe in my clinical judgement. He always provided me with well thought out feedback that helped me to understand how to work with different clients. Dr. Jones always made me feel like an equal to him, he never put me down or told me I was “wrong”, but instead would assist me in questioning things and looking at other perspectives. I have always felt extremely lucky that I got to work with Dr. Jones and that he supervised me because I grew a lot in that period. I still use the skills that I learned from Dr. Jones today and I will never forget how much of an effort he put in helping me grow into the clinician I currently am.
I had the great pleasure of working with Dr. Jones in multiple capacities. Dr. Jones served as one of my supervisors during my doctoral internship at the Baruch College Counseling Center, and later as a colleague serving as clinical staff at the same institution. As a clinical supervisor, Dr. Jones was thoughtful, intelligent, and provided skillful guidance regarding complex cases that showed his great breadth of knowledge as a psychologist. As a colleague it was clear that he consistently put patients first, working long hours with great dedication to the needs and well-being of those under his care. I give Dr. Jones my highest recommendation