Aligning Your SUBCONSCIOUS With Your Conscious Mind
Aligning Your SUBCONSCIOUS With Your Conscious Mind
Aligning your subconscious mind with your conscious mind is vital for a progressive, successful, and happy life. Unfortunately, many people don’t even know they have a subconscious mind, much less how it functions.
Your subconscious is the part of yourself of which you are not fully aware, but which may heavily influence your feelings and actions.
When your subconscious is out of sync with your conscious mind — the part you use to make rational and deliberate decisions — an internal battle of chaos can ensue. Consider this brief anecdote about a captain and his crew. The captain is the conscious mind, and the crew is the subconscious. As the boss, the captain barks out orders to be followed and the crew members are supposed to do as they’re told. But what if the crew has its own agenda and refuses to follow the captain’s demands? For one, this discord makes for a dangerous trip. Both captain and crew run the risk of never reaching their destination if they can’t get on the same page.
The same is true of our subconscious and conscious mind — they must align in both focus and intention in order to reach a goal. No matter how strong your will or how pure your intent, if your subconscious remains tainted with toxic thoughts that work against your elevation, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle.
Aligning the deep-rooted thoughts you have about yourself, the world, your experiences and the people around you with the goals and intentions you have for your life is vital to obtaining a balanced frame of mind.

Your subconscious is comprised of deeply-rooted thoughts, or ideas and feelings you hold onto that inevitably become the belief system that determine your actions. When that belief system is toxic or rooted in poor self-worth or low self-esteem, your subconscious ultimately becomes a playground for self-sabotage. In other words, your conscious mind can be doing everything right — setting goals and making plans, even taking action every day toward forward progress. However if your subconscious mind isn’t on the same page, you will continue to choose actions that interrupt that progress rather than building more momentum.
Imagine, for example, that you have decided to wake up every day at 5 am to increase your self-discipline and productivity. The conscious part of your mind is up to the task; you set your alarm, you lay out your workout clothes for the next morning, and your prep your meal for the next day so that it’s ready to go. Then, when 5am rolls around, your alarm clock goes off and you hit the snooze button. Despite your best intentions and all your planning, you stayed up late watching television the night before and as a result, you were too exhausted to actually get out of bed when the time came. This is one example of your conscious and subconscious mind being misaligned.
Even though you have resolved to wake up earlier and be more productive, your subconscious mind decided that wasn’t going to happen. Perhaps you are operating from the deeply-rooted belief that you are a lazy person, an inefficient person, a sluggish person. These toxic beliefs led you to self-sabotage by staying up way too late, thus interrupting your plan to awake early the next morning.
So, how do we become aware of our self-sabotage and align our subconscious and conscious mind?
Tip #1: Know that you are WORTHY of the goals you set
Because the subconscious works off of deeply-rooted beliefs, it is not enough to simply change our actions. We have to address the underlying mindset that created the poor actions in the first place. Practice knowing that you are capable of achieving everything that you desire, and more importantly, that you are deserving. It may take a while to fully adopt the “I can do anything” mindset into your belief system, but breathing life into your talents and building yourself up with affirming statements every day will go a long way. Once you know and truly believe that you are worthy, you will release the limiting behaviors of self-sabotage that interrupt your progress.
Tip #2: Align your ACTIONS with your words
As the saying goes, don’t just talk about it, be about it. Sometimes, even when we’ve built ourselves up with positive thoughts and affirmations, our actions take a little longer to get on board. Old habits die hard, and so it is important to make a daily, moment-to-moment concerted effort to choose actions which reflect your higher self. This often requires us to move through a period of discomfort or unease as we demand more of ourselves. Some examples may be going to bed earlier, waking up later, prioritizing a healthy diet and exercise regimen. All of these actions help to back up those affirming thoughts we’ve chosen, so that the more we follow through, the more we step into who we have declared ourselves to be.
Tip #3: Practice MINDFULNESS
The more you go through the motions of life on autopilot, the less attention you pay to the narrative being told by your subconscious. When you slow down and practice mindfulness, you bring subconscious thoughts and beliefs to the forefront where you can confront and reconstruct them into healthier ideas that better serve you. Meditating or free-writing into a journal are great methods of clearing out the junk from your mind, and getting to the root of the ideas that you’ve been holding onto without even knowing. You cannot heal what you won’t reveal, so incorporate some mindfulness practice into your routine so that you may acknowledge beliefs that no longer have a place within you.
Following through on the promises you make to yourself will only happen if your conscious and subconscious mind are in alignment. Bring your subconscious mind into complete agreement with your conscious thoughts, and you will see a significant difference in how you set and accomplish your goals.
For more information, contact Dr. Logan for a free consultation at 646.798.8354.
Dr. Logan Jones is a psychotherapist in central Manhattan. He provides therapy for stress, anxiety, depression, intimacy issues, and coaching for entrepreneurs, creative professionals, and adults who want to make positive changes in their lives. His passion is to help people find healthier perceptions of themselves and strengthen their relationships so that they may feel more peaceful, complete, whole, and safe. His practice is located near Flatiron, Chelsea, NoMad, Union Square and the West Village. Contact him today for a complimentary phone consultation.
Follow Dr. Logan Jones on Instagram for more daily inspiration: @drloganjones

No matter what you’re going through, whether depression, anxiety, or PTSD, there is hope. If you are looking for therapy in NYC his psychotherapy practice is located in central Manhattan near Flatiron, West Village, NoMad Chelsea, or Union Square.