Everything You Need Is Within You: Returning To Joy
Everything You Need Is Within You: Returning To Joy
As human beings, we all have different goals, desires, and definitions of success, but there is one thing we have in common: the desire to find purpose.
One life purpose of human beings is to return to joy.
Every day, when we are given the blessing of arising in the morning, the Universe is conspiring for our best interests. We were not born into this reality here on earth to live unhappy, unsatisfied, inauthentic, or hate-filled lives. Every single one of us is meant to live a life filled with great happiness and fulfillment.
Sometimes, life’s circumstances evoke emotions and perspectives that do not reflect our true life’s purpose. When things go wrong, we often get swept away by the idea that life is inherently messy, difficult, or unfair. It is our job to identify and recognize these negative emotions as a sign that we have fallen out of alignment with the truth, and shift our energy and focus back to joy. It is easy to connect to joy during times of pleasure, success, well-being, happiness, and bliss, but what if we decided that we would hold joy in our hearts and live full lives regardless of circumstances?
Here are three tips on how to find and maintain the joy you were born with.
Returning To Joy, Tip #1: Stop Allowing Outside Circumstances To Pollute Your Sense of Well-being
Oftentimes, we give our focus and attention to unhappy circumstances, and then wonder why we feel joyless. There are unfortunate and disturbing events that take place all around us, and with the internet and a growing global discord, we have access to see all of the horrors of the world at the touch of a button. When we observe all of the violence, poverty, and other social issues plaguing our planet, it can be easy to convince ourselves that there is no joy to be had.
On the contrary, misfortune is not the absence of joy. Joy is an indelible presence, always waiting underneath the surface for us to choose to see it.

My advice is not to stop caring about the looming problems around you, but rather to be conscientious of the effects those problems may be having on your psyche. You can be concerned and activated without being consumed by what’s going on around you. You can search for ways to get involved or take action, without running yourself ragged or neglecting self-care. Remember, prioritizing the joy in your own life contributes to the well-being to those around you and to the world at large. In times of darkness, always look for the light.
Returning To Joy, Tip #2: Look For Joy In Obvious Places
We often set our sights on the big things — money, marriage, achievement — as indicators of how happy we should be. While there’s nothing wrong with having goals, measuring the quality of your life with such lofty benchmarks can actually push joy further and further away. When we continue to tie happiness to some point in the future, it remains just out of reach.
I challenge you to find joy in the simple things around you. Nature, having your needs met, kind gestures like a smile from a stranger — each of these are invitations from the Universe for you to wake up to the abundance already surrounding you.
Reconnect with your inner child. Think of children: children are the masters of finding joy because they live in the present moment, and focus their attention only on what makes them feel good and alive. Furthermore, when they don’t have something they want, they use their creativity and imagine it, and they find a way to have joy anyway. Align yourself with the joy available to you by opening your eyes and heart to the wonderful things around you.
Returning To Joy, Tip #3: Practice Mindfulness and Positive Affirmations
Because we live in a world where we have access to a phenomenal amount of bad news, it is important to practice mindfulness and to affirm what is right in the world in order to maintain a hopeful mindset.
Affirmations are great reminders of where joy lives: inside of us. They remind us of our true nature and connect us to the present moment.
Mindfulness has similar effects, grounding us and gently encouraging us to release the pain of the past and relinquish expectations of the future.
Many people live joyless lives because they think of joy as something that has to be searched for, rather than something that is allowed and cultivated through positive energetic alignment. Joy is the manifestation that indicates alignment with your true self; a joyful demeanor and perspective suggests that a person do not resist reality. Joy does not operate in a state of resistance; the more you struggle to find it, the more it will likely elude you. Joy can disrupt negativity and inspire harmony and peace, leading to growth and expansion.
Dr. Logan Jones is a therapist and performance coach operating out of a private practice in New York City. He works one-on-one with clients to clear mental and emotional blockages and reach untapped potential for love, life, and expansion of self. If you are in need of assistance in reconnecting to your joy, book an appointment today.
Follow Dr. Logan Jones on Instagram for more daily inspiration: @drloganjones

No matter what you’re going through, whether depression, anxiety, or PTSD, there is hope. If you are looking for therapy in NYC his psychotherapy practice is located in central Manhattan near Flatiron, West Village, NoMad Chelsea, or Union Square.
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